The Supreme Bar Council is a legal entity based in Sofia. It consists of 15 regular members and 10 reserve members elected for a four-year term of office by the General Assembly of Attorneys in Bulgaria. The General Assembly is made up of representatives of bar councils at a ratio of 1 delegate per 40 attorneys. The General Assembly also elects the President of the Supreme Bar Council who is included in the number of the Council’s regular members. Two Vice Presidents and a Secretary General are elected from among the members as well.

The Supreme Bar Council convenes and holds a General Assembly of Attorneys in Bulgaria, executes its decisions and reports to it, sets the attorneys’ initial and annual fees towards its budget, issues ordinances as directed in accordance with the Attorneys Act, renders decisions on complaints against unlawful decisions of the General Assembly of Attorneys and unlawful elections of bar councils, renders decisions on complaints and protests against rulings of bar councils admitting persons to internships or admitting persons to the bar, maintains a list of attorneys in Bulgaria which is published in the State Gazette, provides for and approves the expenditure for the work of the Supreme Supervisory Council and the Supreme Disciplinary Court.

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